此品項為ICE8場次報名成功單位所使用的折扣申請。請上傳您的社團入取通知書截圖或照片,審核通過後將寄送本場次限定的酷碰碼至您的Mail信箱。本活動最晚確認訂單 (確認示意圖後) 日期為 2022/5/23 11:00。
-About the product-
This item is a discount application used by units that have successfully registered for the ICE8 session. Please upload a screenshot or photo of your club admission notice, and the discount code for this session will be sent to your Mail box after approval.The latest order confirmation (after confirming the schematic diagram) for this event is 2022/5/23 11:00.
-How to use-
搜尋關鍵字: 優惠 申請 折扣 酷碰 折扣碼 酷碰碼 打折 便宜 會員 VIP Discount Application code member 動漫 同人 同人誌 同人展 動漫展 ICE 動漫之力 In Comic Energy 周邊 販售 展售會
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