數量 | 每件價格 | 折扣 |
2 件物品 | NT$132 | 16% 折扣 |
3 件物品 | NT$111 | 30% 折扣 |
10 件物品 | NT$90 | 43% 折扣 |
20 件物品 | NT$79 | 50% 折扣 |
50 件物品 | NT$72 | 54% 折扣 |
100 件物品 | NT$66 | 58% 折扣 |
300 件物品 | NT$63 | 60% 折扣 |
500 件物品 | NT$61 | 61% 折扣 |
-About the product-
100% made in Taiwan. The material has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, antibacterial, and non-toxic. It can be used in places that need anti-collision and sound absorption to reduce echo and basic sound insulation. It is very suitable for home, business or parent-child places.
-Customize information-
-How to use-
搜尋關鍵字: 印刷 印花熱昇華 昇華 鮮豔 彩 壁毯 壁磚 磚頭 磁磚 壁貼 牆壁 DIY 自己做 租屋 租屋族 不傷牆 吸音 隔音 防撞 自黏
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