100%純手工台灣製作的汽車面紙/衛生紙套,可遮住面紙盒或衛生紙包裝,增加生活情調。側邊魔鬼氈設計,方便放入衛生紙。背面鬆緊帶可固定在座位上,適合各種車型座椅。-About the product-
100% hand-made in Taiwan. It can cover the outer packaging of tissue paper and increase the mood of life. The side of the velcro design, easy to put into the tissue paper. The elastic band on the back can be fixed to the seat .
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灣得文創客製化商品、衣服、禮物、印花,台灣製造,全站品項一件製作。提供少量多樣客製化產品線,包含:客製 T恤、客製 團服、熱昇華客製運動衣、客製抱枕、客製帆布包、客製布料等多元產品線,輕鬆打造自己的產品與生意藍圖。一起用好設計,做好產品 !