-About the product-
100% made in Taiwan. The surface layer is made of blanket fabric, and the inner foam design provides moderate feedback on the soles of the feet, which is skin-friendly and comfortable. The high-density glue-dispensing fabric on the bottom layer can ensure that no sliding occurs under any conditions, and it is no problem to use a sweeping robot.
-How to use-
樣本貨號:咖啡選品店 / sa1492-1(2)、Let it snow / sa1492-2(2)
搜尋關鍵字: 印刷 印花熱昇華 昇華 鮮豔 彩 防滑 地墊 腳踏墊 墊子 踏墊 腳踏 腳踩 玄關 進門 地墊子 地毯 毯子
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