-About the product-
100% handmade in Taiwan. This multifunctional lunch bag is made of water-repellent material, oil-resistant, stain-resistant and easy to clean.With large capacity it is suitable for holding lunch boxes and tableware. It can be worn on the shoulder when the drawstring is tied. The stylish appearance is different from ordinary bento bags. It can be used as a placemat when unfolded and laid flat to avoid food contamination.
[關搜尋鍵字] 抽繩便當袋 兩用便當袋 兩用餐墊 手提便當袋 手提袋 防水便當袋 防水餐袋 防水餐墊 收納式餐墊 造型便當袋 造型餐墊 日式便當袋 日式餐墊 束口便當袋 午餐袋 橢圓抽繩餐墊便當袋 Minnie 翻玩 卡通造型 秋冬新款
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